Spinal Cord Stimulation

Integrated Spine and Pain Services

Interventional Pain Management Specialist located in Northern Virginia, Falls Church, VA & Alexandria, VA

Chronic pain can make it extremely difficult to perform simple everyday tasks, especially if you can’t find a reliable treatment. At Integrated Spine and Pain Services in Alexandria, Falls Church, Virginia, Diana Lam, PA-C, and Addison Lindberg, MS, PA-C, provide treatment for many types of chronic pain using spinal cord stimulation, an ongoing treatment with an implanted device that can stop your pain signals from reaching your brain. For more information about spinal cord stimulators, call Integrated Spine and Pain Services or request an appointment online today.

Spinal Cord Stimulation Q & A

What is spinal cord stimulation?

Spinal cord stimulation is an ongoing treatment for chronic pain. Spinal cord stimulation blocks the pain signals from your nerves to stop them from reaching your brain. The amount of pain relief you can get from spinal cord stimulation varies from person to person.

Spinal cord stimulation involves a spinal cord stimulator device that uses electrical signals to block your pain. The current is mild, so you won’t feel like you’re being struck by lightning with each pulse. However, depending on the simulator, you may feel a slight tingling sensation with each pulse. The trial will allow you to determine how well your pain level is controlled and if you think the stimulator is for you before the device is surgically implanted.

The goal of spinal cord stimulation is to reach a significant reduction in the pain that you feel from your condition. Even a smaller reduction in pain can help you perform daily tasks with more ease and success.

What can spinal cord stimulation treat?

Spinal cord stimulation can improve pain associated with a number of conditions, particularly chronic conditions with pain that lasts for 12 weeks or longer and affects your lifestyle. The team at Integrated Spine and Pain Services might recommend spinal cord stimulation if you’ve already tried more conservative treatments for:

  • Sciatica, pinched nerve in the neck or back
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Complex regional pain syndrome
  • Pain after a limb amputation

If you have these or other kinds of chronic pain, you should report them to the team at Integrated Spine and Pain Services to find out if spinal cord stimulation is an option for your treatment. 

How is a spinal cord stimulator placed?

Spinal cord stimulator placement involves a trial run and then a permanent placement if the trial is successful. For the trial, the team at Integrated Spine and Pain Services use X-ray to minimally invasively guide the electrodes into the epidural space of your spine. After a week of using the device, you can decide whether or not spinal cord stimulation works for you. 

If you decide on permanent placement, the team will refer you to a spine surgeon for permanent placement. 

To find out if you’re a candidate for spinal cord stimulation, call Integrated Spine and Pain Services or book an appointment online today.