
Integrated Spine and Pain Services

Interventional Pain Management Specialist located in Northern Virginia, Falls Church, VA & Alexandria, VA

If you have a curved spine and neck or back pain associated with scoliosis, interventional pain management physician Diana Lam, PA-C, and Addison Lindberg, MS, PA-C, offer solutions at Integrated Spine and Pain Services in Alexandria, Falls Church, Virginia. They use targeted injections and other treatments to alleviate discomfort and help you stay active. Schedule an appointment over the phone or online for relief today.

Scoliosis Q & A

What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of your spine. It often causes the spine to form a curve that looks more like an S or a C. The condition often begins in childhood during growth spurts before puberty. Treatment may not be necessary for mild cases, but if scoliosis is painful or affects your posture, you can see the team at Integrated Spine and Pain Services for an evaluation.

What are the symptoms of scoliosis?

Common signs and symptoms associated with scoliosis include:

  • One hip is higher than the other
  • Uneven shoulders
  • An uneven waist
  • One shoulder blade is more prominent than the other

An abnormal spinal curve might rotate or twist. Ribs on one side of your body may pop out farther than ribs on the other side.

What are the risk factors for scoliosis?

Scoliosis can occur because of genetic factors, neuromuscular conditions, spinal injuries, or birth defects. Risk factors include having a growth spurt right before puberty, being female, and having a family history of scoliosis.

If left untreated, severe forms of scoliosis can lead to heart damage, lung damage, back problems, poor posture, and asymmetry within your body.

How is scoliosis diagnosed?

To diagnose scoliosis, the team goes over your medical history and asks questions about symptoms you may have. They complete a physical examination and have you bend forward at the waist to examine your spine. Neurological exams may be used to check for numbness, muscle weakness, or abnormal reflexes.

The team can use X-rays to confirm a scoliosis diagnosis and determine the severity of the condition.

How is scoliosis treated?

Your personalized scoliosis treatment plan might include:

Watchful waiting

If scoliosis is mild and doesn’t cause symptoms, your provider might suggest watchful waiting to evaluate spinal curvature over time.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy stretches and exercises can strengthen your body, improve posture, and reduce chronic pain.

Back braces

Wearing a back brace helps prevent further spinal curvature over time. The team lets you know which type of brace is best and how often to wear the brace.


Hip joint injections at Integrated Spine and Pain Services can reduce inflammation and alleviate pain associated with scoliosis.


Surgery is often reserved for severe cases of scoliosis. Your Integrated Spine and Pain Services team lets you know if you are a good candidate for spinal surgery.

Don’t let scoliosis spinal curvature progress or become debilitating. Schedule an appointment with Integrated Spine and Pain Services by phone or request your visit online today.