5 Tips to Relieve Neck Pain While Working From Home

5 Tips to Relieve Neck Pain While Working From Home

Do you find yourself rubbing your neck after working in front of the computer? With more people working from home than ever, neck pain is becoming an increasingly common complaint. 

If the discomfort isn't bad enough, untreated neck pain can lead to more serious health issues. Fortunately, you can take steps to ease your neck pain. 

The board-certified providers at Integrated Spine and Pain Services in Falls Church and Alexandria, Virginia, are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal spinal health. Whether you're dealing with occasional stiffness or chronic pain, our team has the experience to address your needs.

Keep reading for five practical tips for managing and relieving neck pain while working from home and how we can help. 

1. Adjust your workspace

The setup of your workspace can significantly affect your neck health. Here’s how to optimize it:

Monitor height

Ensure your computer screen is at eye level. Use books or a stand to raise your monitor if necessary. This prevents you from bending your neck down or up, which can strain your muscles.

Chair support

It’s worth spending a little more and investing in a work chair that supports the curve of your spine. Adjustable chairs can help you maintain a healthy posture and reduce the burden on your neck.

2. Stretch and move

Being still, or static, is the enemy of neck health. Incorporating movement into your daily routine prevents stiffness and reduces pain.


To keep your neck happy while you work from home, try adding these practices to your day:

Regular breaks

Every hour or so, take a work break and spend a few minutes standing, stretching, and moving around. This can help reduce muscle stiffness and improve blood circulation.

Neck exercises

Perform simple neck stretches, such as chin tucks and side-to-side rotations, to maintain flexibility and relieve tension. 

3. Sip water throughout the day

Hydration is key to maintaining soft tissue elasticity and fluidity in joints. Your neck has seven segments, each with three joints. Drinking enough water throughout the day helps keep your neck joints lubricated and prevents cramping. 

4. Manage your stress

Stress can make your neck pain worse by causing you to tense your neck muscles. Try adding healthy stress management techniques to your daily routine to improve your neck health while working from home. 


If you’re not sure where to start, consider trying these methods to manage stress:

Mindfulness and meditation

Regularly practicing mindfulness and meditation can help reduce stress and its physical impacts on your body. Start by focusing on your breathing and paying attention to your body's signals. 

Scheduled breaks for relaxation

Working without taking adequate breaks adds to stress. Setting aside time for activities you enjoy or find relaxing can help reduce overall muscle tension.

5. See a neck pain specialist

If your neck pain won't quit despite these tips, it's time to consult a specialist. Integrated Spine and Pain Services offers a range of neck pain treatments personalized to your specific needs.


Depending on the root problem of your neck pain, your provider may recommend:

Physical therapy

Physical therapists work with you to strengthen and stretch your neck muscles, improving posture and easing pain.

Advanced pain management treatments

Our practice uses evidence-based techniques, such as transforaminal epidural steroid injections and radiofrequency ablation, guided by fluoroscopy, to ensure precise and effective treatment.

If you're struggling with persistent neck pain, schedule an appointment today at Integrated Spine and Pain Services in Falls Church or Alexandria, Virginia.

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